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Cefn Bryn and Arthur's Stone

Starting point  and OS Grid reference:

Car park on Cefn Bryn (SS 491901)

Ordnance Survey Map
OS Explorer 164 - Gower

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Note: If you use OS Maps on-line, you can download this route via this link.


Distance: 5.8 miles Date of Walk: 17 June 20124


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409ft (125m)
409ft (125m)

Traffic light rating:    Green Green

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Cefn Bryn sketch map.

To view route as a dynamic Ordnance Survey map click here.

Introduction: This walk takes you along the wonderful ridge walk of Cefn Bryn, which has great views to the coast and inland, having the second highest summit on the Gower at 610ft (186m), the highest being The Beacon on Rhossili Down. There is a topograph which tells you what you can see in each direction.

Cefn Bryn is common land and you may well see sheep, cattle or horses which graze there.

It is classed as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and home to a number of rare, protected species such as marsh fritillary butterfly, southern damselfly, skylark and brown hare.

Towards the end of the walk the route passes a Neolithic burial ground known as Arthur’s Stone. This comprises a 25 ton glacial boulder dumped by the retreating ice sheet at the end of the last Ice Age. The Neolithic people dug under it and propped it up on other boulders, so creating a double burial chamber underneath.

As with many such rocks, it comes with the obligatory legend, namely that King Arthur threw a pebble which grew because it had been touched by the King’s hand.

The walk should be an especially attractive prospect when the heather is flowering.

The walk is easy with little steep gradient and straightforward navigation although being Access Land, there are many paths worn by passing feet. However the lie of the land leaves you little risk of not knowing where you are at any point. To start with the route follows the Gower Way.

The start point is a car park on a minor road which crosses the common. The easiest way to describe to it is to take the A4118 from Swansea and turn right on to the B4271. Just after the North Road Service Station, fork left following the road sign for Cefn Bryn and Reynoldston. The car park is on the right after 1.8 miles. If relying on sat. nav. beware. There are some fearsomely narrow lanes on the Gower!

Start: From the car park (SS 491901), cross the road and take the path between two large rocks and bear left along the crest, following the blue bridleway sign.

The view to Oxwich Point.

Thr view to Rhossili Down.

Topograph at viewpoint on Cefn Bryn.

A view over Oxwich Bay.

The track along the summit ridge.

Gower Way marker.

Another view over Oxwich Bay.

Follow the path for one and three quarter miles along the ridge, until you reach the summit. This is a fenced off area which looks like water system related. Immediately before the fenced off area, the trig point sits in a depression.

Trig Point on Cefn Bryn.

The view to Three Cliffs Bay.

Pass a plaque commemorating the Gower Way at SS523889.

Plaque commemorating the inauguration of the Gower Way in 1998.

Telephoto shot of Three Cliffs Bay.

Follow the track over the summit and down the hill to meet a broad track (SS 527889). Turn left.

The track passes through pleasant broadleaf woodland, primarily oak trees. Immediately after the woodland, keep left at a fork.

The path through the wooded area.

This being Access Land, giving people the right to wander where they want, footpaths have changed from what is shown on the OS map and/or ‘official’ Rights of Way are not easily discernable so the following is based on practical experience.

Continue along the broad track to Great Walterston farm. Just before it, turn left up a clear, ascending track (SS 511896). After two hundred yards or so, spot a grassy track on the right (SS509895). Turn right here.

At SS 502896, meet another broad track. Bear right here.

Follow this track, ignoring any turns off until you reach the road. At SS 495855, you pass a long abandoned quarry on the left.

Cross the road and bear right following the fingerpost. Although the path is a little indistinct to begin with, it soon becomes clearer.

You arrive at Arthur’s Stone (SS 491906).

Arthur's Stone.

To return to the car park, follow the path which curves round Arthur’s Stone. The car park is soon in view.

Horses grazing on Cefn Bryn common.

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